Tag Archives: classical music

Si en un equip hi ha diversitats representades, els resultats són més inclusius

Entrevista sobre música e inteligencia artificial (en catalàn) en Catalunya Música, donde hemos hablado de algunos de mis proyectos como #PHENICX, #TROMPA y #HUMAINT.

La puedes escuchar aquí.

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El papel que juega la intuición en la interpretación musical

Una investigación realizada por Álvaro Sarasúa, Julián Urban y una servidora en el Grupo de Investigación en Tecnología Musical, dentro del proyecto europeo Phenicx,  describe las ventajas de usabilidad de un sistema personalizado que aprovecha la intuición de los usuarios al interpretar música.


Intuición que por cierto no tienen aún los sistemas automáticos a los que tenemos que entrenar desde 0.

Podéis leer la noticia en la web de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. 


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27/02/2019 · 14:53

Media Monday

Last Monday I had the chance of speaking about my work and the PHENICX project at two different forums.

  • In the morning, I was interviewed at the program “Longitud de Onda”, Radio Clássica, Spanish National Radio (Radio Nacional de España):  “Cómo la tecnología nos acerca a la música clásica” – “How technology approaches us to classical music”
    You can hear the interview (in Spanish) at Min.16:20

¿Se imaginan que mientras asisten a un concierto pueden tener un programa de mano hecho a medida? Hoy hablamos de analizar la música para sacar provecho de esa información y diseñar programas o aplicaciones que hagan más accesible la música para todos.


  • In the evening, I was interviewed at the TV program l’Illa de Robinson, El Punt Avui TV. I presented the PHENICX project and how technologies can change the way we experience classical music concerts. You can check the video here.





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Un mes irrepetible / A unique month

Yes, last month has been so unique for me that I wanted to share it with a post.

ISMIR 2014


From October 27th to November 1st, I attended the 15h International Conference of Music Information Retrieval in Taipei, Taiwan. ISMIR is by far my favorite conference, where I meet most of my colleagues, get to know the advancements in the field, and get fresh ideas for my research. This year, it was a busy edition for me. We presented some work related to the PHENICX project, where we try to apply MIR techniques for classical music, in particular for symphonic repertoire and within the context of a concert, so including real-time description. In addition, we had several meetings of the society board, where I take part as a member. Finally, I was co-authoring a poster on the robustness of low-level features, another one on melodic similarity of flamenco music, in the scope of our COFLA project, and presenting a demo of our MIR.EDU library for music education! A lot for a single week!

proxy  It was a great conference: amazing city and landscape, very good organization, nice presentations and research outcomes, and good perspectives for next year in Málaga, Spain.

After coming back from ISMIR, I had my tenured defense on November 5th. After some years working at UPF and a long waiting period due to economic restrictions, I got tenured assistant professor thanks to the Serra Hunter program of the Catalan government. I am really happy for that!

One week later, this Wednesday, I attended a workshop in Madrid that the Spanish Association of Symphonic Orchestras (AEOS) and BBVA foundation devoted, in its first day, to the new challenges and opportunities that technology offers for orchestras. I presented the PHENICX project, including use cases and the technologies that the different partners are researching and developping, integrated in our prototype. You can find here my slides and complementary material. It has already appeared in press.

Although we are not far from summer, I now feel I need some rest!

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International Classical Music Award for Classical Planet

One of the projects I’ve been involved on got a great award. Congratulations to FIA!!

I quote here some information:

“The renowned Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki wins the Lifetime Achievement Award; French pianist Jean-Efflam Bavouzet is Artist of the Year; German pianist Joseph Moog Young Artist of the Year; Ondine Label of the Year. A Special Achievement Award goes to the producer and re-recording engineer Ward Marston. The Classical Website Award goes to ‘classicalplanet.com’, an outstanding project coordinated by the Fundación Albéniz and offering musical content as well as a social networking platform for young musicians. Among the recipients of the Awards in the 14 CD and DVD, the Jury selected the ECM recording of piano works by Robert Schumann played by Andras Schiff  as Recording of the Year.”

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